High Risk Offender – DVLA Approved Medical
High Risk Offender
To extend our scope of services, ISM Psychological Services is pleased to partner with HRO Medicals, who have been performing DVLA High Risk Offender (HRO) CDT blood tests and medical examinations for over 20 years with clinics in Scotland, England and Wales.
In an exclusive partnership for Scotland, our DDRS clients from 1 February 2025 will be able to get their CDT blood test done in one of the 4 HRO Medical clinics based in Greenock, Stirling, Dundee and Perth at a preferential price of £119.00 including the cost of taking blood. Those attending the DDRS course in person will have a phlebotomist come in person to take the blood.
The CDT blood result will be reported as ‘Green’, ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ according to DVLA cutoffs. Those unlikely to pass will be offered a consultation with the DVLA doctor and ISM Psychologists to optimise themselves before the proper HRO DVLA medical.
There are three categories that are considered by the DVLA as an HRO: This includes where a person has:
- A breath reading of 88mgs per 100ml of breath or higher.
- A blood reading of 200mics per 100ml of blood or higher.
- A urine sample of 268mics per 100ml or urine or higher.
- Where you have failed to provide a specimen.
- If you have been convicted twice in the last 10 years.
You also do not need to be a HRO to be referred for this service.