DDRS - Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme

“Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.”
George Bernard Shaw

Get 25% Off Your Driving Ban if Convicted of Drink Driving

Under the Road Traffic Offenders Act (1988) people convicted of a drink driving offence can receive up to one quarter of the time off their ban if they participate on an approved Drink Driver Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) course. The Driving Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) act on behalf of The Secretary of State by ensuring that service providers fulfil the specified criteria to enable them to be approved course providers of the DDRS.

ddrs drink drive course
How can i be referred for a ddrs course

How can I be Referred for a DDRS Course?

It is only at the time of sentencing (when you appear at court) that you can be referred by the court to an approved Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) training course. All sentencing courts across Scotland, England and Wales are aware of the DDRS. You should ask your solicitor or the duty solicitor to inquire if the Sherriff would consider the DDRS as a disposal for you. Please note that you cannot ask for the DDRS after you have been sentenced at court. ISM Psychological Services Ltd are the only Scottish based company who are DDRS approved training providers.

What Happens when you are Referred to an Approved Course?

Why Choose ISM as a DDRS Provider?

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