Preventative Drink Driving

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Benjamin Franklin

Preventative Drink Driving Courses

Having a conviction for drink driving can have devastating consequences for individuals and their families. Loss of employment and relationships are only the start. The stigma, shame and embarrassment come later. Prevent this occurring by using an ISM Preventative Drink Driving course for your workforce, or within your secondary school as part of the Personal and Social Education Curriculum.

Preventative Drink Driving for your Workforce

Preventative Drink Driving for your Workforce

This workshop is aimed at professional drivers or people who are required to drive as part of their job.

Reducing the Risk of Teenage Drink Driving

Reducing the Risk of Teenage Drink Driving

These 10 lessons have been developed using the Curriculum for Excellence, Health & Wellbeing, Experiences and Outcomes.

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